A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!

Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously was officially established on July 11, 2014.

I created this website as a place to share on matters regarding the intersection of infidelity and divorce from a Christian pastor’s perspective. From my own personal experience, I discovered a dearth of resources for Christians finding themselves dealing with a cheating spouse that were actually godly and helpful for the victim–i.e. the faithful spouse.

When I created the blog, I had no idea how big a response it would get:

Since its creation, the blog has seen visitors from over 200 countries or territories!

It has garnered over one million views! These views coming from almost 450,000 unique visitors.

Clearly, it is a resource in demand.

Since I launched this ministry, I have written a book, Cheated On: The Divorce Minister Guide for Surviving Infidelity and Keeping Your Faith. Last year, I had the privilege of speaking at a first of its kind conference: Chumpalooza 1.O. I loved meeting so many amazing faithful spouses at that event.

My current project is writing a curriculum and running a cheated on support group for people of faith. It is going well. I am not sure where this project will end. However, I feel a great need exists for such a curriculum and such support groups to spread in churches to better equip the saints in dealing with the evil of infidelity.

Ten years. A decade. Wow.

What a milestone! I am grateful for how God has used this little website over the years and am excited to see where God takes this ministry in the future.

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