A fire forged friendship with God

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

-Isaiah 43:2, NLT

What makes me so devoted to following Jesus?

Like numerous family members and true friends, God was there for me when I needed Him the most. Our friendship was forged in the fires of infidelity discovery, spousal abandonment, and dastardly divorce.

I recall my God troubling my own mother’s spirit enough so that I did not surrender the only home I had to my cheating (now ex) wife.

I recall my God speaking through a modern day prophet reminding me that my God did not condemn me as the Judas-“friend” did.

I recall my God speaking through another prophetic friend to encourage and strengthen me so that I was able to confront my (now ex) wife about her infidelity myself.

I recall my God providing a internship and then–rather miraculously–a residency job when all seemed utterly lost.

And I could go on…

My God was there for me.

Did I necessarily feel it at the time? 


The pain was too fresh and the wounds too deep for me to see clearly my Divine friend and lover caring for me

But Jesus’ presence is unmistakable looking back today.

Friendships that remain true and reliable through such fires are rare and precious.

And I count my friendship with Jesus as one of those!

He remained true and faithful even while the closest person in my life–at the time–was false and faithless.

*This post ran previously.

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