Acting entitled to your help

A stone is heavy and sand is weighty,
But a fool’s wrath is heavier than both of them.

-Proverbs 27:3, NKJV

Have you ever noticed that Cheaters can’t be bothered to help you when you need it? However, they demand that you drop everything when they “need” something from you?

They are such entitled creatures. And they can be cruel about this with faithful spouses.

Some Cheaters will use your vulnerability to them–i.e. your need to get something from them–as a way to mock you or otherwise make your life more difficult.

When they are the ones needing something, then they get upset over it not already being done. It is such a sick, double-standard.

Plus, Cheaters may act entitled to your help.

They think that they can abuse and discard you, but they expect you to continue to serve them when called upon to do so.

Fortunately, this is a great time to exercise our newly found boundaries and tell them, “No.” It might not please them, but this is the new reality that they chose by cheating.