Almost forgot anti-anniversary yesterday!

Yesterday was the anniversary to my divorce becoming final. I almost forgot.

It was just another day.

That said, I will never forget where I was the moment I received the official word that my first marriage was over. I was sitting in a van at work. Thankfully, I was not alone that day.

The finality of the divorce decree hits different than going through the process. I think up to that point I had hoped for a miracle. Thankfully, God did not grant that wish, or I would still be married to an unrepentant Cheater, imho.

Yesterday–over a decade removed from that fateful day–I remembered it as I laid down to do my evening gratitude journal. I thanked God for the mercy of my divorce. It set me free for the life I have today.

I don’t know where you are at on your divorce journey. However, I write this post today to give you hope.

There is life after divorce, and someday, you, too, might find yourself so busy with the wonderful life you have that you almost forget your divorce anniversary, too!