…and then the cheating is discovered.

…and be sure your sin will find you out.

-Numbers 32:23b, KJV

All those emotionally cold counseling meetings.

All the finger-pointing and fault-finding sessions.

All the anger over what seemed petty yet was treated as “life and death” marriage problems.


…then the cheating is uncovered, and it all starts to make sense.

While it is truly awful to discover a spouse’s infidelity, it is not less awful to experience the effects of said cheating without ever knowing about it definitively.

Knowledge is freeing.

Knowing your spouse was cheating all this time frees you to understand what all the finger-pointing, anger, and coldness was really about. They were trying to offload their guilt upon you.

They had given another (or two) a place in their hearts that rightfully belonged to you. 

It is no surprise then that they acted in a way reflecting such a reality. They worked to shut the emotional doorway back into their heart.

Oddly enough, all the nastiness was not really about you.

It was about them and their sin. That is what knowing the truth about the cheating can do for faithful spouse. It helps us to put the meanness in context.

And that is freeing.




*A version of this post ran previously.