Another Anniversary

Today marks what would have been the thirteenth wedding anniversary with my first wife.

Sometimes, this date passes without notice for me. Not this year, I had a rough weekend on the way to this anniversary.

I cannot explain why in particular.

That is how grief works. We do not dictate what we feel. Our heart does that and has its own reasons beyond understanding.

The odd thing is the actual anniversary has been more of a non-event today. I attribute that to the grace of God and a good’s night rest.

Plus, I learned the other day that my ex-wife remarried this year. What do I make of this news? 

Personally, I am glad I am not him.

It is a real blessing to be off the crazy train of that marriage. Mrs. DM is such a refreshing presence. I am thankful to be married to a real friend.


2 thoughts on “Another Anniversary”

  1. Thank you for the last part of “it is blessing to be off the crazy train.”
    After 3 years, the train is coasting into the station and I will be stepping off.
    God moved me toward your web-sight recently, as I have now truly detached and ready to move on.

    It is so true, in his time.

  2. Such a true post – grief is a process and there is no timeline….
    I have been divorced a year – separated for two years before that – so 3 total years from learning of the affair
    The first 1-2 years were so full of shock and denial and false reconciliation that it passed quickly if painfully – so much to do with consoling my adult children, figuring out finances, changing jobs, seling the house, moving and trying to understand what happened to me…..I wasn’t perfect, but I was proud of moving on as best i could.
    Now the grief is stirring again – as my 60-year old x will marry his 32 year old AP in a week : and my sadness is less about my loss and more about seeing my kids (ages 21-27) being hurt again, as it is a really “blingy” wedding with lots of social media posts – and talk of future children — as well as x’s family bullying them to attend these nuptuals.
    Our marraige was 32 years – and we were together since age 21 – so the elements of loss and disbelief is huge~
    Thanks for all you do to keep us sane

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