Another Anniversary To Celebrate!

Today is our wedding anniversary! Mrs. DM and I have been married for five years today.

Soon my marriage to this amazing woman is going to exceed the length of my first marriage. An awful situation–the adulterous abandonment of my first wife–has blossomed into an awesome future.

This is a future I never saw coming seven years ago during the adulterous implosion of my first marriage. All I saw was a bleak, dark future then.

I say that to encourage you who are still living in the dark valley of catastrophic losses right now. That present darkness does not preclude the light shinning forth in your life again in the future.

And I want to testify.

God is a good bet. I am so grateful that I did not give up on this life. I would have missed out on five years as a husband to this wonderful woman and the father to my spunky Munchkin. 

I don’t know what your future will be like. However, I want to encourage you that God is the same God who saw me through my dark valley and He can do the same for you!



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