Another loss – say the thing!

Deep in my psyche must be a distaste for the consumer-driven app world of dating–that’s what my dream life brought up this past night.

I am a happily married man who does not want all the drama of sorting through girlfriend drama. It might be my introvert nature. However, the thought of entering that world again is exhausting.

This is a hidden loss for some in the divorce process.

If you enjoy being coupled but not to your Cheater, this is yet another thing that can keep you stuck. There may be options–many better options–out there for you. And that might be the problem.

You are not wired like Cheaters who enjoy the shallow thrill of “the hunt.” The comfort of a well-worn and trustworthy relationship is more your thing.

If you can relate, I see you. This is another loss. It is okay to be upset by that.

And it is okay to push through it when you are healed up and ready. I did, and it turn out well for me.