Arrogance of (former) in-laws!

16 There are six things the Lord hates—
    no, seven things he detests:
17 haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that kill the innocent,
18 a heart that plots evil,
    feet that race to do wrong,
19 a false witness who pours out lies,
    a person who sows discord in a family.

-Proverbs 6:16-19, NLT

I wonder how many of us, faithful spouses, endured lectures from our (former) in-laws about how we were to behave!

Looking back, I am amazed at the level of arrogance exhibited by my former in-laws. They felt entitled to lecture me about how to be a better Christian.

One lectured me about what true repentance looks like (for me as he identified me as the problem) and dared claimed I was wrong for being angry with him.
The other was comfortable exhorting me about what loving their daughter ought to look like from me.

These lectures occurred during the time their daughter was cheating on me. Neither have repented asking for forgiveness for attacking me like that. Yet I bless them and release them to God.

I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised when our (former) in-laws exhibit arrogance and entitlement. They are Cheater hallmark traits, and they learned them well, apparently.

That said, it is still hard to handle in the moment. You are faced with people who should be supporting your marriage and not undermining it. So, you have to deal with the dissonance of those betrayals on top of your spouse’s betrayal. It sucks.

Yet, you can get through it. I did.

Their opinion of you does not matter. God’s does. And He is pleased with you and would never blame you for being cheated on by your spouse!