Arrogant Cheaters

As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

-James 4:6b, NLT

The spiritually fatal flaw of cheaters is their pride.

They behave as if they know better than everyone, including God. Such individuals are beyond hope until they are humbled.

Humility is essential for godliness.

A cheater bereft of humility is clearly a cheater who is far from repentant. They are not in a spiritual position to find grace and healing as God still opposes them since they remain in a position of the proud.

What does a humble cheater look like?

A humble cheater does not excuse their sinful behavior. They take full responsibility for their destructive, sinful behavior. The last thing a humble cheater will do is blame-shift or claim that God is fine with them while the destruction is left unaddressed.

Humble cheaters do not make demands of their victims. They are slow to speak and quick to listen to their victims.

A humble cheater understands that they are the messed up one who needs help. They do not try to blame everyone else–like their spouse–for their sinful behavior. On their own, they seek out qualified professionals to help them grow in character and deal with their own “junk.”

Sadly, truly humble, chasten cheaters are rare.

The easy, broad path is the one that strokes their egos and feeds their pride. Most cheaters stay on this road to spiritual hell.


*A version of this post ran previously.