“The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.”
-John 3:8, NLT
Being abandoned only to discover one’s spouse has an adultery partner is tough.
That isn’t even factoring in all the Job friends who are quick to blame you for the end of the marriage or even the adultery. It is madness.
However, I also know God does not abandon His children even–maybe especially–when we do not feel His Presence (Hebrews 13:5).
I can recall God sending people into my life at critical junctures. They gave me words of encouragement, hope, and strength when I needed them.
Personally, I am SOOO grateful for the ministry of Holy Spirit as Holy Spirit’s ministry through people saw me through the darkest hours and saved my life, I truly believe.
Whether you are walking through your own dark valley today or have exited it, I want to encourage you to pay attention to Holy Spirit. Listen to the rush of His voice.
As we do this, we can be that critical encouragement to others. And as we do this, we may be able to see God is at work even when we are not “feeling” Him.