Back-handed “Confession”


“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.”

-Proverbs 29:25, NIV

“I should have been more ‘honest’ with you [about your faults],” says Cheater.

Back-handed Confessions

I wonder how many of us endured back-handed “confessions” where our Cheater admitted to faults that were really aimed at us. It is a special mind melting statement that starts with them appearing to take responsibility until they twist it back upon us.

They may have feigned concern about “fear of man” for why they did not cruelly light into us earlier. Their “sin” was not being “honest,” because they feared our reaction.

This inoculates them–they think–from the charge of being cruel and harsh towards their spouse. They HAVE to speak the truth, or they are lying by withholding.

Funny how this thinking is almost NEVER applied to their cheating activities…

Being “open and honest” only applies to saying the meanest things towards their spouse who they are already abusing through their deceitful infidelity. It is sick and a sign of how “gone” they are.

The back-handed confession is simply another way Cheaters work to devalue their spouse on the way to the discard. It is abuse, in my opinion as a pastor, and should not be tolerated by pastors or other adults who are aware of it.