Best revenge… Thrive!!!

 So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning.

-Job 42:12a, NLT

As the saying goes, the best revenge is a life well lived. In other words, stop fixating on revenge and start thriving!

When my first marriage was coming unraveled, I had several of my ex’s flying monkeys curse my calling. Two went as far as to suggest I give up on being a pastor.

I am glad that I did not listen to them!

Today, I am thriving. God has truly blessed this second half of life more than the first in all areas.

In particular, my professional life is thriving. Just this past weekend, I observed a five year anniversary for working in the federal prisons where I am a Chaplain. It is a good government job with good pay and rewarding ministry opportunities!

I would never have gotten this job if I had listened to those naysayers. Now, God has the last laugh on them!

God’s call is not and was never revoked.

My encouragement to you is to not give up. Your best life experiences may be ahead of you. I know I struggled in believing this when I was in the depths of my divorce. Yet it was and is true!

God did this for me, and He is able to do it for you as well!

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