“Can’t you see that I am ‘dying’ here!” says dramatic Cheater.
Some Cheaters want to make you responsible for their happiness or misery. They refuse responsibility for their own feelings.
The danger arises when we believe them and accept such responsibility, which isn’t ours to carry. We do not have the power to control the emotions of another.
To garner support from others, Cheaters might tell a story about how you are the source of all their misery–based on something you did or did not do.
Looking back on these situations, some of us can see that this false narrative arose during the same time that they were cheating. What was left of their conscience was likely torturing them for sinning against us and God. So, of course, they were miserable!
However, if you ascribe to “The Shared Responsibility Lie”–namely, that you own even partial responsibility for another’s behaviors like cheating–then you may get taken in by the sob story. Plenty of people are.
Keep focused on the truth: