Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
-Ephesians 4:29, NKJV
Have you experienced victimization by the hands of those who claim they are “only telling you the truth?”
-Maybe they even wanted you to applaud them for their courageous “brutal truth” session with you?
-Maybe the person was the cheater who delivered “their truth” to you?
-Maybe you had (have) a cheater who is all about “being true to herself” and being allegedly “open and honest” with you?
They did not follow the Apostle Paul’s instructions in Ephesians 4:29. Their allegedly “true” words did not build you up but rather were sledgehammers aimed at your personal worth.
I remain somewhat in awe how cheaters can be so self-deceived or downright cruel. Some are so far gone that they are lying about their cheating while claiming they need to be “open and honest” about their marriage issues–aka attack the faithful spouse in the therapist’s/pastor’s office.
Truth may be painful but never ought to be brutal.
That is truth without love.
God is truth and love. So, brutal truth is not really truth. It is speaking in a way untrue to the Source. It is a distortion.
People who speak in this way are fleshly Christians–if they are Christians, at all–for they fail to reflect Christ in the way they speak.
Sadly, some are even proud of this. They ought to be ashamed, IMO.
Brutal truth ain’t truth, folks! It is power wielded to destroy. Beware!!