Called to Judge “In House”

I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin…. It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning.

-I Corinthians 5:11a, 12, NLT

We are commanded to judge those who are claiming to follow Christ but yet engage in a lifestyle of sin.

I would say this applies to Cheaters and clergy who abuse parishioners. The Church could do with a healthy dose of such judgement. Refraining from judging such individuals is the opposite of godliness according to these words from the Apostle Paul.

I want to throw up when I hear about those who clutch their pearls and profess that they do not judge others (when confronted with heinous sins in the midst of the Church).

This is NOT modeling healthy Christianity!

“Not judging” sounds healthy. In fact, it sounds high-minded and gracious. But like feigning neutrality when infidelity is discovered in a friend’s marriage, it misses the mark but looks good to outsiders.

We need leaders in the Church who are willing to call sin out as evil. This protects the sheep and might even help wake up the sinner to their destructive ways before it is too late.

To be biblical communities, we need to be willing to judge “in house.” It is uncomfortable–but necessary–if we are serious about following what the Bible teaches.

We need to start taking adultery (and Clergy Sexual Abuse) seriously!!!