“Nothing to do with our marriage problems?” Really?!

“[Other Woman] has nothing to do with our marriage problems,” says caught Cheater. “Really? ‘NOTHING to do with our marriage problems?’” replies flabbergasted faithful spouse. Cheaters will try to hold onto the marriage narrative with an iron grip. That is what this exchange illustrates. They refuse to be seen as the “bad guy” in the … Continue reading ““Nothing to do with our marriage problems?” Really?!”

Do not enter! …their warped reality.

There is more hope for fools     than for people who think they are wise.  –Proverbs 26:12, NLT They traded the truth about God for a lie….   –Romans 1:25a, NLT Cheaters can come across as so confident in their lies. This confidence has the power to make even the most stalwart faithful spouse second-guess their instincts, hard evidence, … Continue reading “Do not enter! …their warped reality.”

Maybe it isn’t THAT bad? (It was worse.)

Maybe it isn’t so bad? Maybe it is “just” an emotional affair?! For me, knowing my Cheater had a physical affair was more traumatic than dealing with an emotional affair. So, I minimized what I knew was the case from evidence until the truth was unavoidable. The truth became unavoidable when she coped to committing … Continue reading “Maybe it isn’t THAT bad? (It was worse.)”

Cheater-Speak: “I can’t pretend anymore.”

“I can’t pretend anymore!” declares Cheater. This declaration is usually followed by some sort of blame-shift onto the faithful spouse where Cheater attacks the marriage and devalues their spouse. They are the hero in their mind living their “truth” and unwilling to play pretend in their marriage anymore! The irony is that they are lying … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I can’t pretend anymore.””

PSA: Not abuse to insist on the ending of cheating!

Public Service Announcement (PSA): It is not abuse to insist the cheater end the affair! Someone needs to see this. Cheaters will pull out all stops to make the faithful spouse look like the bad person. Insisting the affair end is a healthy boundary. It is respectful. You are simply refusing to accept ongoing infidelity … Continue reading “PSA: Not abuse to insist on the ending of cheating!”

Excuse for abuse? No. None.

I am convinced adultery is always abusive. Always. You cannot cheat on a spouse without abusing their trust minimally. Plus, I have yet to discover a story involving adultery where a period of deception did not take place–however, brief. In addition to that, I believe based on my reading of Scripture that adultery is soul … Continue reading “Excuse for abuse? No. None.”

Pick vulnerable time

Cheaters are known to blow up the home life during a time of vulnerability for the faithful partner. This might be during a time of financial vulnerability where you are trying to launch your career or were a stay at home parent for a long time. This might come when you are ill or even … Continue reading “Pick vulnerable time”

Cheater-Speak: “You’ve deceived your closest family and friends.”

“You’ve deceived your closest friends and family into thinking you’re a good person,” says Cheater. The irony of such a statement is how the Cheater is actually the one who has done this, NOT the faithful spouse! They have played their cards close to their vest. Cheated and lied for months or years including to … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “You’ve deceived your closest family and friends.””