So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables… His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” John 2:15, 17, NIV If your pastor considers you in sin … Continue reading “If your pastor considers you in sin simply because you are angry…”
Category: Anger
A Hint from “Lover, Lover” by Jerrod Niemann
I like this song. It is a catchy tune, and the fact that my (ex) wife hated the song–as I remember it–does nothing to diminish my enjoyment of this song. In fact, it probably increases it. Her dislike of the song around the time it came out makes we wonder how long she had been … Continue reading “A Hint from “Lover, Lover” by Jerrod Niemann”
Spiritual Suffering Best Addressed By Spiritual Counselors
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. -Proverbs 17:22, NIV Much of the suffering faithful spouses experience is spiritual in nature. Writing this blog for a couple of years, the questions I encounter center around deep spiritual pain and confusion. These are not so much the nuts and … Continue reading “Spiritual Suffering Best Addressed By Spiritual Counselors”
Movie Review: The Shack–Idolatry or Iconoclasm?
The Shack: Idolatry or Iconoclasm? Having read the book and personally met the author years ago, I was very interested in seeing how the book was translated into a movie. So, yesterday, I went to my local theater and watched it. I was not disappointed in what I saw. The movie was a well executed piece … Continue reading “Movie Review: The Shack–Idolatry or Iconoclasm?”
To NOT Hate Adultery IS Sin!
Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. -Romans 12:9b, NIV “If a man is discovered committing adultery, both he and the woman must die. In this way, you will purge Israel of such evil.” -Deuteronomy 22:22, NLT Hate gets such an undeserved reputation among Christians. Sometimes the right thing to do is to hate. Evil … Continue reading “To NOT Hate Adultery IS Sin!”
God Is Wrathful Towards the Adulterous!
I will sentence you to the punishment of women who commit adultery and who shed blood; I will bring on you the blood vengeance of my wrath and jealous anger. -Ezekiel 16:38, NIV God is neither meek or neutral when it comes to adultery. Rather, He is righteously wrathful! A godly response to adultery–as we … Continue reading “God Is Wrathful Towards the Adulterous!”
When hating is godly….
Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked. -Psalm 97:10, NIV Like anger, hate often is treated as always wrong among Christians. It is not! Here in Psalm 97, we have a command to hate. In fact, it … Continue reading “When hating is godly….”
Crossing God!
“I speak to him face to face, clearly, and not in riddles! He sees the Lord as he is. So why were you not afraid to criticize my servant Moses?” The Lord was very angry with them, and he departed. -Numbers 12:9-10, NLT God’s anger can be a healing balm to the soul. Last night, … Continue reading “Crossing God!”
Settled in mind and heart
When I was in the heat of my marriage dissolution, I remember constantly being thrown off by the email responses I received from my (now) ex-wife. They would make me particularly upset when she continued to insist on pinning the fault for the marriage ending on me. Looking back now, I can see how out … Continue reading “Settled in mind and heart”
It IS Upsetting!
At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by. … ‘I am filled with fury against you, declares the Sovereign Lord, when you do all these things, acting like a brazen prostitute!’ -Ezekiel 16:25, 30, NIV If God is this upset … Continue reading “It IS Upsetting!”