Movie Review: The Shack–Idolatry or Iconoclasm?

The Shack: Idolatry or Iconoclasm? Having read the book and personally met the author years ago, I was very interested in seeing how the book was translated into a movie. So, yesterday, I went to my local theater and watched it. I was not disappointed in what I saw. The movie was a well executed piece … Continue reading “Movie Review: The Shack–Idolatry or Iconoclasm?”

God Is Wrathful Towards the Adulterous!

I will sentence you to the punishment of women who commit adultery and who shed blood; I will bring on you the blood vengeance of my wrath and jealous anger. -Ezekiel 16:38, NIV God is neither meek or neutral when it comes to adultery. Rather, He is righteously wrathful! A godly response to adultery–as we … Continue reading “God Is Wrathful Towards the Adulterous!”

Settled in mind and heart

When I was in the heat of my marriage dissolution, I remember constantly being thrown off by the email responses I received from my (now) ex-wife. They would make me particularly upset when she continued to insist on pinning the fault for the marriage ending on me. Looking back now, I can see how out … Continue reading “Settled in mind and heart”

It IS Upsetting!

At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by. … ‘I am filled with fury against you, declares the Sovereign Lord, when you do all these things, acting like a brazen prostitute!’ -Ezekiel 16:25, 30, NIV If God is this upset … Continue reading “It IS Upsetting!”

Cheater-Speak: “I didn’t tell you, because I thought you’d get angry.”

“I didn’t tell you, because I thought you’d get angry.” -Cheater Let’s start to unpack this “gem” of a cheater-speak: 1. The cheater is aware that what he or she did might be upsetting to the faithful spouse, yet still did it. This is another reason why I am in the camp that cheaters have full knowledge … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I didn’t tell you, because I thought you’d get angry.””

Echoing Prophet Isaiah

Energize the limp hands,     strengthen the rubbery knees. Tell fearful souls,     “Courage! Take heart! God is here, right here,     on his way to put things right And redress all wrongs.     He’s on his way! He’ll save you!” -Isaiah 35:3-4, MSG “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come,     he will come with vengeance; with … Continue reading “Echoing Prophet Isaiah”

What’s up with that cheater rage?!

Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end. -Proverbs 29:11, NIV What’s up with that cheater rage?! You know: It is the rage that shows up when the cheater is caught red-handed. Instead of coming clean, the cheater comes after the faithful spouse with anger and a mean, demeaning … Continue reading “What’s up with that cheater rage?!”