Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. -Romans 12:15, ESV Today, I am writing about the accusations concerning being angry and/or controlling. I suspect these twin accusations are not unfamiliar to those who have either found themselves cheated upon or abandoned by their spouse. Personally, I became well acquainted with both during … Continue reading “Angry And Controlling Accusations”
Category: Anger
Not A Submission Or Leadership Failure
“Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…” –Ephesians 5:23-24, NIV If you have spent anytime in an evangelical church of any sort, you likely have heard these verses read … Continue reading “Not A Submission Or Leadership Failure”
Divorce Is No More A Sin Than Being Angry
“‘In your anger do not sin”” -Ephesians 4:26a & Psalm 4:4a, NIV. “Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.” – Matthew 1:19, NIV. Context matters greatly in both divorce and issues of anger. In and … Continue reading “Divorce Is No More A Sin Than Being Angry”
Mrs. DM: Anger is OK.
Alrighty, I need to put this out there because honestly, I’m appalled with the lack of understanding of healthy emotions. Anger is healthy. Is it pleasant? No. Is it fun? No. Is it necessary? Completely. Piggybacking this on my post on pain (Mrs. Divorce Minister Speaks), in order to empathize and really change the way … Continue reading “Mrs. DM: Anger is OK.”