In “How Willow Creek exposed our sins,” Kyle Strobel and Jamin Goggin suggest the mess at Willow Creek Church is a symptom of a much bigger problem in American evangelicalism. Strobel diagnoses the problem Willow Creek exposes as: The fundamental ailment of the evangelical church today is toxic power. Toxic power is anchored in prideful … Continue reading “Lessons from WCC and fall of Hybels by Kyle Strobel and Jamin Goggin”
Category: Anger
Re-titling DM Book…
As I get edits back on my book manuscript, I have decided to change its title. When I started Divorce Minister, I created this blog ministry specifically to be a space where people could come to receive pastoral care from a pastor who could relate to the pain of infidelity discovery, abandonment, and divorce. I knew … Continue reading “Re-titling DM Book…”
When condemning is a good thing!
O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you? Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you? Yes, I hate them with total hatred, for your enemies are my enemies. -Psalm 139:21-22, NLT When condemning is a good thing… Currently, most people will not have a problem condemning pedophilia. It is wrong, and talking about victims may evoke anger over … Continue reading “When condemning is a good thing!”
“I care for you” but…
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. -Proverbs 12:18, NIV I care about you BUT not enough… …to end my friendship with the adulterous spouse until she repents. My thoughts: “Sorry, your concern for me sounds skin deep. Scripture is clear that a person who … Continue reading ““I care for you” but…”
DM, What about that Jesus’ saying on the cross about forgiveness?
DM, I love this site, and I wholeheartedly agree with the articles and posts. If you haven’t already, would you consider doing a post on Jesus’ words on the cross? “Father, forgive them…they know not what they do”. None of us is fully aware of the devastation our sins have caused, in the physical and … Continue reading “DM, What about that Jesus’ saying on the cross about forgiveness?”
Validation, What a gift!
Whether it is validation through evidence or validation from another human being who sees the real injustice and names it as such, validation is a precious gift. I truly believe such validation is necessary for healing from adultery and abandonment. We need to be seen. Our pain needs to matter to someone, which includes ourselves. … Continue reading “Validation, What a gift!”
Blake Shelton, Miranda Lambert, and AWFUL “Christian” Infidelity Advice!
Country music star, Blake Shelton, made news recently with a tweet throwing shade at Miranda Lambert, his ex-wife. He tweeted: Been taking the high road for a long time.. I almost gave up. But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!! 6:58 AM – 25 … Continue reading “Blake Shelton, Miranda Lambert, and AWFUL “Christian” Infidelity Advice!”
A prayer of release
Here’s a prayer I wrote for anyone struggling letting go of anger towards a cheater and their apologist(s). This prayer serves as a reminder that we have a say in letting go of our anger, which is based on our trust in God’s character. Use as needed: Jesus, Today was a tough day. I am … Continue reading “A prayer of release”
Faithful Spouses no less forgiving than Jesus…
“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you…. and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.” -Jesus in Matthew 18:15a, 17b, NIV Was Jesus being “unforgiving” to demand the offender listen to their victim? Christians … Continue reading “Faithful Spouses no less forgiving than Jesus…”
What Divorce Minister Is.
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. -Matthew 9:36, NIV Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously Critics of me and this blog often have the wrong picture of what this website is (By the way, thank you to all those who wrote … Continue reading “What Divorce Minister Is.”