An excellent apology was made public by an RZIM employee recently. His name is Carson Weitnauer. It is posted on his blog, Reasons for God (apology found here). I encourage you to go visit the website and read the apology for yourself. It is well-done in my opinion. He makes it publicly as this is a … Continue reading “Weitnauer apology to Ravi Zacharias sexting scandal alleged victim Lori Anne Thompson”
Category: Cheating
RZIM connected leaders are now denouncing how Ravi Zacharias’ scandals handled
More employees at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) are publicly denouncing the leaders and board of the ministry for their handling of scandals involving founder, Ravi Zacharias. Two are calling for a new board. -Julie Roys, “RZIM Leader & Speakers Denounce Handling of Scandals; Two Call for New Board” Ravi Zacharias’ legacy continues to unravel. … Continue reading “RZIM connected leaders are now denouncing how Ravi Zacharias’ scandals handled”
Cheaters Present Well At First
Cheaters often are charming initially. If the red flags were clear, we probably never would have entered into a committed relationship with them. They can play other people. In that spirit, here is a new Country song warning the “Next Girl”–
Cheater-Speak (Continued): “I lied because I thought you’d get angry.”
“I thought you would get angry. That is why I didn’t tell you.” -Cheater (on why she lied) to faithful spouse This sort of statement is red meat to therapists and pastors who see their roles as rescuers. They hear something like this, and immediately jump to rescue the (cheating) “damsel in distress.” They are … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak (Continued): “I lied because I thought you’d get angry.””
Some sick people poke you for a reaction. Don’t give them the satisfaction!
A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. -Proverbs 25:28, NLT For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control. -2 Timothy 1:7, TPT Some cheaters thrive off of provoking the faithful spouse to anger. I believe this. It … Continue reading “Some sick people poke you for a reaction. Don’t give them the satisfaction!”
Cheaters seem to cheat while faithful spouses are most vulnerable.
Cheaters seem to thrive on cheating when their spouse is most vulnerable. This is yet another demonic pattern that I have noticed. The vulnerable time might take multiple forms: -Maybe the faithful spouse is in a fight for her life dealing with breast cancer? -Maybe it is a faithful husband who just was fired from … Continue reading “Cheaters seem to cheat while faithful spouses are most vulnerable.”
Cheater Narrative “Death” Match
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. -Proverbs 18:2, NIV Cheaters have a vested interest in having your agreement to their marriage ending narrative. If they have anything left of a conscience, they hope to alleviate the internal pain by getting your agreement to their narrative. Of course, this … Continue reading “Cheater Narrative “Death” Match”
Wheels Coming Off the RZIM Bus: Insiders Supporting the Alleged Victims of RZ
Lately, more and more insiders at RZIM are coming out in support of the victims questioning how RZIM leadership has handled the sexual scandals around Ravi Zacharias. Julie Roys has produced two strong articles about this (link here and here). I would just encourage you to go visit Julie Roys’ website and read the articles … Continue reading “Wheels Coming Off the RZIM Bus: Insiders Supporting the Alleged Victims of RZ”
Cheater-Speak: “I thought you would get angry; so, I didn’t tell you…”
“I was afraid you would get angry. That is why I did not tell you [I was cheating on you].” -Cheater Isn’t it amazing how a cheater can my their lying your fault? Now, we know their lies are their lies. However, cheaters are adept at shifting blame. In this mind trick: The speaker is blaming their … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I thought you would get angry; so, I didn’t tell you…””
Will never face the damage
But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart and did not heed them, as the Lord had said. -Exodus 8:15, NKJV Some cheaters will never face the damage they created through their sins. This is a fact of life. God allows people to harden their hearts just as He allowed Pharaoh to do. Christians are … Continue reading “Will never face the damage”