Need Strong Warning!

“Nice” does not work with someone who has doubled down on destruction. If someone is about to run off a cliff, we don’t worry about saying a “harsh” word but rather–those who care–shout to get them to stop running. That is loving. Quietly objecting is not. Someone who is cheating is stuck on the short-term. … Continue reading “Need Strong Warning!”

Their Double Lives

Wounds from a friend can be trusted,     but an enemy multiplies kisses. -Proverbs 27:6, NIV Their Double Lives One of the major reasons why divorce is the best of bad options left to faithful spouses is the magnitude of the sins committed by Cheaters. Double lives denote a lifestyle of lying and deception that has … Continue reading “Their Double Lives”

Did your Cheater ask you how you would like to be served?

Did your Cheater ask you how you would like the divorce papers served? If they did, don’t be surprised that they ignore your answer and do the opposite. Of course, the question isn’t designed to take your wishes into account. Cheaters are simply trying to inflict greatest amount of pain (or they simply have grown … Continue reading “Did your Cheater ask you how you would like to be served?”

Nuking the family

But a man who commits adultery has no sense;     whoever does so destroys himself. -Proverbs 6:32, NIV Cheaters nuke their own family. For the thrill of forbidden sex, these disordered characters are willing to sacrifice everything. They place their pleasure over the well-being of their spouse and children. What is important to them is their own … Continue reading “Nuking the family”

Divorce free from shame

“I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” -Matthew 19:9, NIV I do not see a time limit set on these words. The exemption is there for anyone who has a spouse that engaged in sexually unfaithful behavior. That is what I see in … Continue reading “Divorce free from shame”

Rejected Ones Club

Jesus is “‘the stone you builders rejected,     which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” -Acts 4:11-12, NIV How is Jesus identified by the Apostle Peter on Pentecost? He is The Rejected One. This … Continue reading “Rejected Ones Club”

Affair Partner not a marriage problem?!

“He has nothing to do with our marriage problems. You know that!” -Caught Cheater If your cheater is responding with some version of this, your marriage is over. The cheater is refusing to face the fact that adultery is truly a MAJOR marriage problem. You have nothing to work with here. The cheater is firmly … Continue reading “Affair Partner not a marriage problem?!”