Spiritual evil is real!

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. -I Peter 5:8, NIV I am convinced another dynamic is at play with marital infidelity than just the natural. This does not mean I give cheaters a pass. They are still fully responsible for … Continue reading “Spiritual evil is real!”

The emotional affair admission manipulation

“Sure, I had an emotional affair. But it was just a cry for help,” says Cheater. Sadly, this admission around some carnal Christians will lead to questions about the faithful spouse’s performance as a husband or wife: Why did she “have to” have an emotional affair?! I bet you can see where such questioning is … Continue reading “The emotional affair admission manipulation”

“You just weren’t right for each other,” says the Monday-Morning Quarterback.

“You just weren’t right for each other.” -Christian (giving a pass to the cheater) I find this sort of Monday morning quarterbacking annoying. It is obvious that a cheater and faithful spouse have different values based on their actions. That alone says that they are not compatible. If we knew our spouse was going to … Continue reading ““You just weren’t right for each other,” says the Monday-Morning Quarterback.”

Jonah’s Nineveh: Models Real Repentance

7 Then the king and his nobles sent this decree throughout the city: “No one, not even the animals from your herds and flocks, may eat or drink anything at all. 8 People and animals alike must wear garments of mourning, and everyone must pray earnestly to God. They must turn from their evil ways and stop … Continue reading “Jonah’s Nineveh: Models Real Repentance”

Bad enough for you to move on!

A cheater does not need to be a total monster in order to be bad for you. I suspect most cheaters (if not all) have some “redeeming” qualities about themselves. If they didn’t, we probably never would have married them in the first place. They are mix–like all of us–of good and bad traits. But … Continue reading “Bad enough for you to move on!”

Cheater-Speak: “How dare you insist I wear my wedding ring!”

“How dare you insist I wear my wedding ring!” -Petulant Cheater A cheater may take off her ring in order to avoid the constant reminder of her infidelity. This symbolic act speaks volumes. There is a reason we exchange rings in marriage ceremonies. The symbol is indicative of the vows exchanged between the couple before … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “How dare you insist I wear my wedding ring!””

A Reminder: Not your shame to bear!

Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away [i.e. divorce her] privily. -Matthew 1:19, KJV If you grew up in a church where divorce was taught as always wrong, you may find it hard to NOT internalize divorce shame and stigma. … Continue reading “A Reminder: Not your shame to bear!”

What if the miracle IS the merciful divorce?

Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning…. -Job 42:12a, NKJV What if the divorce is the mercy or “miracle” you truly need? It feels blasphemous to even raise this question. However, I think it is a legitimate question. Sometimes, the divorce is the best of bad options for a faithful spouse. In fact, … Continue reading “What if the miracle IS the merciful divorce?”