For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. -Ecclesiastes 3:1, NLT Sometimes choosing divorce is the best of bad options left for a faithful spouse. This is why I cite this wisdom verse. It is allegedly written by the wisest of all humans–bar Jesus–King Solomon. Everything means everything. That includes … Continue reading “Sometimes the season dictates divorce.”
Category: Cheating
“Dating” while married fosters entitlement
Growing up in evangelical church circles, I heard the common teaching about couples “date nights” as if forever “dating” your spouse should be the norm. I think this teaching is both unwise and unhealthy. Don’t get me wrong: I believe investing in couples time is important. However, calling it “dating” is unwise. As I mentioned … Continue reading ““Dating” while married fosters entitlement”
Entertaining another mate option IS cheating!
When a spouse is entertaining another relationship as a “potential” affair partner, they already have crossed over the line into emotional affair territory. The decision to “forsake all others” was already made publicly in a wedding ceremony. This decision is being betrayed when a spouse starts revisiting that decision in considering other mate options. They … Continue reading “Entertaining another mate option IS cheating!”
PSA: It is not abuse to insist the cheater end the affair.
Public Service Announcement (PSA): It is not abuse to insist the cheater end the affair! Someone needs to see this. Cheaters will pull out all stops to make the faithful spouse look like the bad person. Insisting the affair end is a healthy boundary. It is respectful. You are simply refusing to accept ongoing abuse … Continue reading “PSA: It is not abuse to insist the cheater end the affair.”
What excuse gives a spouse a pass to abuse? None.
I am convinced adultery is always abusive. Always. You cannot cheat on a spouse without abusing their trust minimally. Plus, I have yet to discover a story involving adultery where a period of deception did not take place–however, brief. In addition to that, I believe based on my reading of Scripture that adultery is soul … Continue reading “What excuse gives a spouse a pass to abuse? None.”
Gotta Choose: Good Christian or Cheater? Not both.
Good Christian or Cheater? You choose. You don’t get both. “Christian” cheaters hate having their infidelity exposed. They despise the inconvenience it causes them. It shatters their image as a “good Christian” for anyone with a modicum of theological sense…as it ought to. The thing is that a cheater must choose between their life of lies … Continue reading “Gotta Choose: Good Christian or Cheater? Not both.”
Lost respect for Dave Ramsey over his despicable treatment of a faithful spouse!
It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. -I Corinthians 5:12, NLT In an article posted yesterday (1-18-22), Julie Roys exposes a situation that is truly disgusting regarding Dave Ramsey and his organization. Her article is entitled: “Exclusive: Audio Shows Dave … Continue reading “Lost respect for Dave Ramsey over his despicable treatment of a faithful spouse!”
Please, save yourself the effort!
Don’t waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice. -Proverbs 23:9, NLT Cheaters are stuck in the fools’ camp when they are stuck in their cheating ways. The only greater fools are the pastors and Christian leaders thinking they can convince the cheater through wise words to halt their folly. … Continue reading “Please, save yourself the effort!”
It burns, it burns!
All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. -John 3:20, NLT If a cheater has anything of a conscience left, they will be in extreme pain when their actions are exposed for the sin and evil they are. Cheaters committed to their sin … Continue reading “It burns, it burns!”
Cheater-Speak: “I don’t know if I can commit to our marriage.”
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Mattew 19:6b, KJV “I don’t know if I can commit to our marriage,” says Cheater revealing their contempt for God and their spouse. Keeping their vows before God apparently has a lower value to cheaters speaking this way than keeping their “options” open. … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I don’t know if I can commit to our marriage.””