Devastating NYT article on Rev Bill Hybels

…and be sure your sin will find you out. -Numbers 32:23, KJV In a devastating article by Laurie Goodstein for The New York Times, Rev. Bill Hybels enters the limelight again for allegations of sexual impropriety. This time the accuser is Pat Baranowski who was an assistant to Rev. Bill Hybels back in the 1980s. According … Continue reading “Devastating NYT article on Rev Bill Hybels”

Biting Sheep!

If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. -Galatians 5:15, NIV “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.” -Matthew 7:15, NLT Not everyone who comes to you as a “sheep” is one of Jesus’ flock. God knows. And … Continue reading “Biting Sheep!”

Mailbag: A Chump Again?

Dear Divorce Minister, My ex-wife sent this email too me tonight. (Just in time to keep me up) “Hi L. I will soon be turning 66!  The benefit of old age is that I will be eligible for social security.  I went to the SS office and was told I can sign up for your … Continue reading “Mailbag: A Chump Again?”

More Vicious When Cheating

They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right. -Romans 2:15, NLT Sometimes cheaters become crueler to their spouses when they are actively engaged in infidelity. They cheat and attend couples counseling where they tell the counselor or … Continue reading “More Vicious When Cheating”

“I’m afraid of him” Trump Card

“I’m afraid of him,” she–aka cheater–says. This like a blank check that a female cheater can cash in at anytime for sympathy and support from pastors and therapists alike. Most do not bother to ask any followup questions as to why she is claiming such fear. If they do, they might get: “I’m afraid, because he … Continue reading ““I’m afraid of him” Trump Card”

Christian Leaders, All sins are not equal!

And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. – Leviticus 20:10, KJV Not all sins in a marriage are acceptable to God as worthy of ending a marriage (e.g. Mt 5:32). Not all … Continue reading “Christian Leaders, All sins are not equal!”

CHOOSE your victory story!

Instead of shame and dishonor,     you will enjoy a double share of honor. -Isaiah 61:7a, NLT Why would you choose to accept the lie-filled narrative from your cheater as your own narrative? Choose your own victory narrative! Remember: You are not the rejected spouse. RATHER, you are the FAITHFUL SPOUSE! You are not the morally … Continue reading “CHOOSE your victory story!”

Cheater Marriage History Revisionism: A brain in blender experience

Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow. -Proverbs 25:18, NLT One of the many things that baffles me about the accepted Christian “wisdom” on healing marriages ravaged by adultery is how often pastors and counselors seem to … Continue reading “Cheater Marriage History Revisionism: A brain in blender experience”

Cheater-Speak: “I just want to talk” Trojan Horse

“He wouldn’t talk to me about the REAL issues.” -Cheater “We never talked. She would nag but never discuss things with me.” -Cheater This was a favorite Trojan Horse of my now ex-wife. It was employed with “Christian” counselors, “friends,” and family as our marriage headed to its ultimate demise. Clearly, hiding behind the alleged … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I just want to talk” Trojan Horse”