Well, what did you contribute to the breakdown of your marriage?

“Well, what did you contribute to the breakdown of your marriage?” I hate that question. It is a “Loaded Question”–meaning it assumes you did something to destroy your marriage. Such questions are errors in reasoning–i.e. logical fallacies. While the question looks reasonable, it is really just a dressed up version of “The Shared Responsibility Lie,” … Continue reading “Well, what did you contribute to the breakdown of your marriage?”

The Confession Manipulation

So, your Cheater confesses to an affair. That’s a good first step to repentance, right?! Maybe…. Sadly, Cheaters can use confessions as a means to manipulate the faithful spouse. They try to contain the damage while blaming the faithful spouse for their sins. This is especially the case when the only confession is a confession … Continue reading “The Confession Manipulation”

Acting entitled to your help

A stone is heavy and sand is weighty, But a fool’s wrath is heavier than both of them. -Proverbs 27:3, NKJV Have you ever noticed that Cheaters can’t be bothered to help you when you need it? However, they demand that you drop everything when they “need” something from you? They are such entitled creatures. And they can be cruel about … Continue reading “Acting entitled to your help”

Cheater-Speak: “I just want open and honest communication.”

“I just want open and honest communication,” says Cheater. Do Cheaters really want honesty and openness? No way! Cheating is no fun when you are faced with consequences that come with open honesty with your victim–i.e. the faithful spouse. Two-sided openness is such a drag for those committed to a lifestyle of deception. When Cheaters say that … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I just want open and honest communication.””

Blaming their misery on you!

“Can’t you see that I am ‘dying’ here!” says dramatic Cheater. Some Cheaters want to make you responsible for their happiness or misery. They refuse responsibility for their own feelings. The danger arises when we believe them and accept such responsibility, which isn’t ours to carry. We do not have the power to control the … Continue reading “Blaming their misery on you!”

Somehow I was wrong?!

“This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’” -Proverbs 30:20, NIV I wonder how many of us had “skilled” Cheaters who could turn their wrong into “our” fault in the therapist’s or pastor’s office. Maybe they even freely admitted to cheating on you … Continue reading “Somehow I was wrong?!”

Okay to admit being “not okay”

Walking in reality is good for our souls. Sometimes, that means admitting that we are “not okay.” But we can still hold hope that eventually we will be well. As we walk with Jesus, we know this is true. AND God can handle us being upset and “not okay” in the present. I love this … Continue reading “Okay to admit being “not okay””