Bad liars make for good spouses.

Pro-Tip: Marry a Bad Liar One of Mrs. DM’s many endearing traits is that she is a bad liar. I can tell when she is trying to fool me…usually. My ex-wife was (and is?) an excellent liar in my opinion. And that is not a complement. It is my observation. It was chilling how well … Continue reading “Bad liars make for good spouses.”

Entering God’s Presence

Who is allowed into God’s presence? The Psalmist answers this way: Those who despise flagrant sinners,     and honor the faithful followers of the Lord,     and keep their promises even when it hurts. -Psalm 15:4, NLT If we believe the Bible and the Psalmist here, this means those who celebrate the adulterous will not enter God’s presence. … Continue reading “Entering God’s Presence”

Busy Christmas and Angelic Intervention

And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. -Matthew 2:12, KJV When Jesus was vulnerable as a baby, we see a battle to end his life and God sending His angels to preserve Him. God still operates in this way. … Continue reading “Busy Christmas and Angelic Intervention”