Detox your soul through thanksgiving

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;     his love endures forever. -Psalm 107:1, NIV Sometimes we need a detox from seeing the vile stuff cheaters and their supporters do. I think the best way to do this detox is by giving thanks. We all have things for which we can give thanks. Even the breath … Continue reading “Detox your soul through thanksgiving”

Impact of “The Sexual Prosperity Gospel”

“It is ironic, then, that Christians who denounce the prosperity gospel have in recent years touted its sexier, if subtler, form: the sexual prosperity gospel…. [The Sexual Prosperity Gospel] holds that God will reward premarital chastity with a good Christian spouse, great sex and perpetual marital fulfillment.” -Katelyn Beaty in “Joshua Harris and the sexual … Continue reading “Impact of “The Sexual Prosperity Gospel””

That sickening, shocked feeling…

When even a cheater spouse announces divorce, the feeling can be devastating. I know that is how I felt when my ex made the announcement about seeing a divorce attorney. The loss of dreams, security, and future are incredible. It is not surprising such news can put a faithful spouse in shock. Shock is a … Continue reading “That sickening, shocked feeling…”

Meditating on my pet’s love

What do you do to calm yourself when you feel anxious? I usually get anxious when a medical provider is taking my blood pressure. The fear of “failing” this test just makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy as my anxiety rises and with it, my blood pressure. Telling myself to “calm down” just doesn’t work.  What … Continue reading “Meditating on my pet’s love”

Pastor David pressed his way to a 1st Place!

Yesterday, I competed in my very first powerlifting competition. It was sanctioned under the UPA Powerlifting federation. My goal was to break a small national record held for my specific age group and size. I achieved that goal. For those interested in more details, I have this to say about the event: Some last minute … Continue reading “Pastor David pressed his way to a 1st Place!”

Yesterday was the DM Blog Anniversary… 8 years!

Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously turned eight years old yesterday! This blog almost did not exist. Years ago, I wondered if anyone would be interested in reading what I had to say on divorce and adultery situations. This blog’s success suggested many did. To date, the blog has had over 900,000 views and over 350,000 … Continue reading “Yesterday was the DM Blog Anniversary… 8 years!”