To all who mourn in Israel… …a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. -ISAIAH 61:3a, b, NLT When my divorce was fresh, I remember feeling great sadness over the thought of losing the opportunity to be a father. That was six years ago.* It was a dark … Continue reading “Just because it does not look good now… Do NOT give up hope!”
Category: Encouragement
Despair is a liar!
And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us! -Romans 5:5, TPT Despair lies all the time. It tells you to live in fear and give up all hope of a better future. … Continue reading “Despair is a liar!”
Darkness cannot overcome Light!
And this Light never fails to shine through darkness— Light that darkness could not overcome. -John 1:5, TPT Sometimes we need reminders. When we are surrounded by the darkness, it is good to remember that God’s light overcomes the darkness. Always. The darkness does not win. It cannot overcome the light. This is the hope … Continue reading “Darkness cannot overcome Light!”
Pining after your cheater? Rebuild your life and leave them as an unpleasant footnote.
So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning. -Job 42:12a, NLT Cheaters enjoy being the center of your attention. The best revenge is one where they are irrelevant to your life. You are too busy with the new life God has given you to even think of … Continue reading “Pining after your cheater? Rebuild your life and leave them as an unpleasant footnote.”
The grief can be complicated.
Grief hurts. It surprises even years after the loss. You might think you have “dealt with that” only to discover feelings ambush you at some surprise moment. Our culture does not do grief well. Churches can be especially bad on this number. This is particularly true as it comes to the grief associated with a … Continue reading “The grief can be complicated.”
Nine years later… barely a memory!
Yesterday, it would have been nine years since I received word that my divorce was finalized. It nearly went by without my notice. For a moment, I wondered if it had already passed without my notice. Yet, that is all I did–i.e. notice it. This response is one that I could not even imagine nine … Continue reading “Nine years later… barely a memory!”
Hobby Milestone!
Hobbies are important for self-care. They are especially important while going through stressful times as a healthy release. For me, I am learning the sport of equipped, powerlifting. In particular, I am learning how to do the bench press with equipment. It is a nice physical activity for variety from my more cerebral work as … Continue reading “Hobby Milestone!”
Blog Posting Pausing for DM’s Vacation – November 30th to December 9th
DM is traveling out the country for a few days this December. So, I am going to put the blog posting on pause to enjoy my vacation. The pause is from Tuesday, November 30th through Thursday, December 9th. It is all for a good reason. I am traveling down to South America to meet Munchkin’s … Continue reading “Blog Posting Pausing for DM’s Vacation – November 30th to December 9th”
Grateful for the turnaround!
Back in 2013, I was still coming out of the daze of the discard. By November, I was doing very well, though. I had met Mrs. DM and Munchkin. In a few short months, we would become a family, officially. The turnaround in my life was relatively quick and truly, wonderful! I was reminded of … Continue reading “Grateful for the turnaround!”
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to my faithful spouses in the USA! I know this day may be a tough day for some of you. However, I would encourage both acknowledging those feelings exist AND thinking about what gives you gratitude as part of developing the spiritual discipline of thanksgiving. So, in the spirit of the holiday and … Continue reading “Happy Thanksgiving!”