God knows, and God is always faithful!

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness….” -Exodus 34:6, NIV When I was going through my divorce from my cheater, the future looked extremely bleak on the employment front for me. I was SOOO close to giving up on … Continue reading “God knows, and God is always faithful!”

Better days ahead!

The Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning…. -Job 42:12a, NASB So much is done within the Church to reinforce fears concerning divorce. Even a ministry I generally recommend for those divorcing a cheating spouse, DivorceCare, does this to some extent. They certainly do not encourage divorce–even when, I believe, that … Continue reading “Better days ahead!”

Anyone labelled as the problem in the marriage by the counselor?

Anyone else here given a label by a counselor identifying YOU as the marriage problem? This assumes the cheater comes to counseling. Some don’t. A problem with counselors is that some are not up on the games cheaters play. They become complicit in the act of keeping the faithful spouse off the scent of what … Continue reading “Anyone labelled as the problem in the marriage by the counselor?”

Silver Lining about friends following cheating revelations

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. -Proverbs 17:7, NLT A blessing in disguise with cheating revelation is how that awful news exposes ones true friends verses erstwhile “friends.” I am SOOOO grateful for the many friends who passed that fire-test. These are people who stood … Continue reading “Silver Lining about friends following cheating revelations”

Divorce Minister blog wins another award!

Yesterday, I learned that my  blog was selected as a top five blog in the category of “Christian Divorce Blogs.” The article explaining the selection process is here. I am encouraged to see the blog getting recognition. This is a far cry from how this blog started as I wondered if anyone would be interested … Continue reading “Divorce Minister blog wins another award!”