Why bother acting righteously?

When the wicked prosper, why bother being good? This is a common question I encounter when a faithful spouses watches their cheating (ex) spouse seemingly avoid any real-life consequences for acting so dastardly and wickedly. It is an ancient question. The Bible is full of rejoinders to the person who is wondering about this sort … Continue reading “Why bother acting righteously?”

Most Important Judgment Already Passed

33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? -Romans 8:33-34a, NLT Uncertainty breeds fear. Our minds can imagine all sorts of horrors as we sit in a place of uncertainty. Marriage limbo is not an enjoyable place … Continue reading “Most Important Judgment Already Passed”

Interest in a Divorce Minister Podcast?

I am toying with the idea of changing up media forms here on the blog. Podcasts seem the rage these days. I know I appreciate consuming content when I am commuting or doing household chores like mowing the grass. What do you all think about a Divorce Minister Show podcast? I bought a Udemy course … Continue reading “Interest in a Divorce Minister Podcast?”