“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” -I Corinthians 13:11, NIV “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” -Popular Saying God has given us … Continue reading “Redeemed Fiery Trials”
Category: Encouragement
Successful First “Cheated On Support Group”
In response to the call to create an in person support group for people dealing with infidelity abuse, I created the “Cheated On Support Group.” We ended one week early as we made it through the material I had hoped to cover in 12 weeks instead of needing 13 weeks. It was a small but … Continue reading “Successful First “Cheated On Support Group””
End their centrality. Make them a footnote.
So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning. -Job 42:12a, NLT Faithful Spouses, we have a choice: Do we keep on allowing the cheater to be the central player in our life story or do we go out and take command of our story forging decisions … Continue reading “End their centrality. Make them a footnote.”
Bummer Outcome at My Meet
Today did not go as planned. I missed all three lifts on bench for various reasons. It was a real bummer. That said, I came away injury free, and that is a victory whenever lifting such heavy weights. Plus, failures teach us more than successes do. I plan to be a good student so that … Continue reading “Bummer Outcome at My Meet”
Hobby day! Weighing in for another Bench Only meet.
Tomorrow, I will attempt to enter the 800lbs (363kg) bench pressing club officially at a sanctioned meet. This is my other hobby that I do on the side–i.e. equipped bench press. It is a great physical outlet for me. I am chasing 1,000lbs/454kgs (drug free) on the bench as my ultimate goal. Hopefully, I will … Continue reading “Hobby day! Weighing in for another Bench Only meet.”
Such a surreal feeling!
Years ago, I was driving down I-35. And I was struck by just how otherworldly the feeling was. Divorce was something that happened to other people. Yet it was happening to me. So surreal! I was clearly still in a state of shock. Thankfully, it was only a stage. I got through it, and I … Continue reading “Such a surreal feeling!”
Contentment Secret
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. -Philippians 4:12b, NIV When I am tempted to spiral into resentment (or start going there), I am reminded of an important spiritual secret: Gratitude is a great antidote to resentment. … Continue reading “Contentment Secret”
Rescues really rescued us!
The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel. -Proverbs 12:10, NLT Mr. Pickles was a rescue. We brought him home in box as a kitten from a house overflowing with creatures. He helped me get through my divorce. I am SO grateful for him! It made a difference having a living … Continue reading “Rescues really rescued us!”
A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!
Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously was officially established on July 11, 2014. I created this website as a place to share on matters regarding the intersection of infidelity and divorce from a Christian pastor’s perspective. From my own personal experience, I discovered a dearth of resources for Christians finding themselves dealing with a cheating spouse … Continue reading “A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!”
Happy July 4th Holiday!
Happy Independence Day! As faithful spouses, we can take inspiration from this day that as US citizens we recognize every year. It is a holiday that celebrates the birth of our nation. Facing a very difficult and costly decision, our Founding Fathers set pen to a document that would forever sever them from the home … Continue reading “Happy July 4th Holiday!”