Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously was officially established on July 11, 2014. I created this website as a place to share on matters regarding the intersection of infidelity and divorce from a Christian pastor’s perspective. From my own personal experience, I discovered a dearth of resources for Christians finding themselves dealing with a cheating spouse … Continue reading “A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!”
Category: Encouragement
Happy July 4th Holiday!
Happy Independence Day! As faithful spouses, we can take inspiration from this day that as US citizens we recognize every year. It is a holiday that celebrates the birth of our nation. Facing a very difficult and costly decision, our Founding Fathers set pen to a document that would forever sever them from the home … Continue reading “Happy July 4th Holiday!”
Validation. What a gift!
Whether it is validation through evidence or validation from another human being who sees the real injustice and names it as such, validation is a precious gift. I truly believe such validation is necessary for healing from adultery and abandonment. We need to be seen. Our pain needs to matter to someone, which includes ourselves. … Continue reading “Validation. What a gift!”
CHOOSE your VICTORY narrative!
Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. -Isaiah 61:7a, NLT Why would you choose to accept the lie-filled narrative from your cheater as your own narrative? Choose your own victory narrative! Remember: You are not the rejected spouse. RATHER, you are the FAITHFUL SPOUSE! You are not the morally … Continue reading “CHOOSE your VICTORY narrative!”
Love this new country song
I love a new song on the country stations is about someone who is no longer consumed by thinking about a paramour. This song is a statement about someone who is no longer entrapped by a feelings and thoughts about a Cheater–e.g. wondering where he is at night. It is a song expressing what it … Continue reading “Love this new country song”
A healing dream
Ever had a healing dream? This morning I a woke from a dream feeling validated and more whole than when I went to bed last night. I had a dream that was a gift from God. The dream was about a work situation from years ago. I had a conversation with someone with authority who … Continue reading “A healing dream”
Okay to admit being “not okay”
Walking in reality is good for our souls. Sometimes, that means admitting that we are “not okay.” But we can still hold hope that eventually we will be well. As we walk with Jesus, we know this is true. AND God can handle us being upset and “not okay” in the present. I love this … Continue reading “Okay to admit being “not okay””
To my faithful spouse dads, Happy Father’s Day!!!
Happy Father’s Day!!! Years ago, I felt this day acutely. My divorce had gone through, and I felt the death of dreams. We had no children. Then that changed when I met Mrs. DM and Munchkin. I became a husband and father all at once. It remains one of the best decisions of my life. … Continue reading “To my faithful spouse dads, Happy Father’s Day!!!”
God is SO good and caring!
5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. 6 God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land. -Psalm 68:5-6, NIV Our God is someone who cares for the isolated and imprisoned. What I love about the Psalms is how … Continue reading “God is SO good and caring!”
Hymn to encourage you!
“This is my Father’s world: Oh, let me ne’er forget That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.” -“This Is My Father’s World” by Maltbie Babcock It is rough. These are the times to remember an eternal perspective. God will deal with injustice ultimately. Today, I simply want to encourage you to … Continue reading “Hymn to encourage you!”