Hobby day! Weighing in for another Bench Only meet.

Tomorrow, I will attempt to enter the 800lbs (363kg) bench pressing club officially at a sanctioned meet. This is my other hobby that I do on the side–i.e. equipped bench press. It is a great physical outlet for me. I am chasing 1,000lbs/454kgs (drug free) on the bench as my ultimate goal. Hopefully, I will … Continue reading “Hobby day! Weighing in for another Bench Only meet.”

A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!

Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously was officially established on July 11, 2014. I created this website as a place to share on matters regarding the intersection of infidelity and divorce from a Christian pastor’s perspective. From my own personal experience, I discovered a dearth of resources for Christians finding themselves dealing with a cheating spouse … Continue reading “A DECADE! Divorce Minister Blog Turns 10 Years Old!!!”