Let’s Celebrate Faithful Spouses!

Many claim to have unfailing love,     but a faithful person who can find? -Proverbs 20:6, NIV HERE’S TO THE FAITHFUL SPOUSES*: Did you catch that? You are rare. It says so in Scripture. God says it. So, it must be so. You possess a very valuable character trait–faithfulness. And if anyone knows how this character … Continue reading “Let’s Celebrate Faithful Spouses!”

Catchy Tune About Recovering…”It Don’t Hurt Like It Used To”

While I do not condone or recommend using alcohol to deal with heart-break, I appreciate some of the lessons this catchy tune from Billy Currington highlights about recovering.  Two points I particularly appreciate: The singer refuses to lie about the pain.  The pain and grief is worse if we refused to acknowledge the obvious: It hurts … Continue reading “Catchy Tune About Recovering…”It Don’t Hurt Like It Used To””

DM Blog Milestone: 100,000+ Unique Visitors!!!

PTL: 100,000+ Unique Visitors From 165+ Countries! A little over two years ago, I started Divorce Minister wondering if anyone would bother to read my thoughts about divorce, adultery, and Christianity. Today, I have seen the blog traffic monitor cross a major threshold. The verdict is in… Over one hundred thousand individuals have demonstrated their interest in the subject … Continue reading “DM Blog Milestone: 100,000+ Unique Visitors!!!”

Jesus is madly in love with you! Believe it.

“I love Jesus. And on my good days, I actually believe He loves me, and–in fact–even enjoys my company.” -DM God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. -I John 4:16b, NIV Believing in God’s love for us is made more difficult for those who have experienced great rejection. … Continue reading “Jesus is madly in love with you! Believe it.”

Divorce Is NOT Your End!

The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. -Job 42:12, NIV Divorce is scary. It is made unnecessarily so–in part–by a Christian culture bent on blaming faithful spouses. Singleness is hardly an ideal state in the Christian community, and divorced singles have the added burden of dealing with the … Continue reading “Divorce Is NOT Your End!”

“When all around my soul gives way….”

3. His oath, his covenant, his blood supports me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay. Refrain: On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand. “My Hope is Built” text by Edward … Continue reading ““When all around my soul gives way….””

A Rare Fond Memory Four Years Ago…

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. -Ecclesiastes 4:12, NLT My life and my marriage was falling apart. I was isolated and being bombarded by those who were far from supportive of my needs … Continue reading “A Rare Fond Memory Four Years Ago…”