Why I Keep Divorce Minister Going

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. -Matthew 9:36, NLT This website is a complete labor of love. To date, I have lost and not made money off of writing this blog. In many ways, I give back to the Lord by … Continue reading “Why I Keep Divorce Minister Going”

Worthy of Basic Respect and Love!

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. -I John 3:1a, NASB With pastors and other Christian leaders, it can sometimes feel like the faithful spouse is on trial regarding the infidelity or divorce. Behind the questions regarding how my … Continue reading “Worthy of Basic Respect and Love!”

Faithful Spouses, God Cries With You!

“God Weeps Too” by Eli–an obscure Christian artist from the 90s–is one of my favorite songs. While he does not name situations of infidelity survival, I love how he names God as one who weeps alongside the broken-hearted. May this song minister to your spirit as it has mine over the years. The LORD is close … Continue reading “Faithful Spouses, God Cries With You!”

Never Would Have Thought…

Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, And instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs. -Isaiah 61:7, NASB When I was going through my divorce, I never would have thought God could transform … Continue reading “Never Would Have Thought…”

Another Anniversary–God Vindicates!

Ten years. Today, I would have been married ten years. But different plans were in the works…. God has taken the shipwreck of my first marriage and built a new, better life out of the reclaimed wood. I am so thankful for the new life He has given me. God has truly been my Vindication. The … Continue reading “Another Anniversary–God Vindicates!”

Wedding Day Reminder–Only First Day Of Choosing “I Do”!

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. -Genesis 2:24, KJV Marrying someone is a choice. At least, it is a choice in the modern Western world where having the freedom to choose is a major legal basis of regarding the … Continue reading “Wedding Day Reminder–Only First Day Of Choosing “I Do”!”