Today, I had a successful meet competing in the bench press. It was my first “raw” meet–meaning without the assistance of a shirt (gear). I hit 185kgs/407.8lbs. It was good for a national record in my federation for my age and size, drug tested. It is a fun hobby. I will be back to my … Continue reading “Successful Lifting Meet”
Category: Encouragement
Big Hobby Day Tomorrow!
Hobbies are important for flourishing and recovering from infidelity trauma. I really encourage you to develop hobbies as you work towards your new life. For me, weight training has always been apart of my life both prior and after my first marriage. This weekend I get to compete in a weight lifting meet. I will … Continue reading “Big Hobby Day Tomorrow!”
Laugh with those who laugh
Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. -Romans 12:15, KJV Laugh with those who laugh! I am grateful for the pets in my life. We have a full house of birds and lizards at the present. They bring such joy and laughter to our hearts! Years ago while I was … Continue reading “Laugh with those who laugh”
Contrast to the usual “Christian” resources
While I am thankful for the help of some Christian resources in my dark season, I discovered most had an agenda apart from freely presenting the options. Most Christian resources–in my experience–are focused upon “saving the marriage.” This goal is pursued at the unacknowledged cost of the faithful spouse’s well-being. For these authors and pastors, … Continue reading “Contrast to the usual “Christian” resources”
Encouragement from Psalm 147
He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. The Lord supports the humble, but he brings the wicked down into the dust. -Psalm 147:3,6, NLT I love how the Psalmist characterizes God. God is both tender to the hurting and strong towards the proud. He is the type who is perfect for a faithful spouse to trust. … Continue reading “Encouragement from Psalm 147”
God cares. Maybe let Him do the worrying?
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care….. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. -Matthew 10:29,31, NIV This morning I awoke from an interesting dream. In this dream, I was with family in a large, informal gathering … Continue reading “God cares. Maybe let Him do the worrying?”
I was interviewed for a podcast! Talking Spiritual Abuse and Divorce.
Earlier this past month, I had the privilege to speak with Tracy Schorn and Sarah Gorrell on Spiritual Abuse and Infidelity for their podcast, Tell Me How You’re Mighty. The interview is now live on YouTube. Here is the (click here).
Powerful Poem By Lebanese Poet Kahlil Gibran
Lately, the Lord has been speaking to me from prophetic folks about the joy I carry. I find this odd since I feel like I have carried much grief and sorrow. To such ends, I looked up a poem that I had a vague memory about. It makes sense of such words. My hope is … Continue reading “Powerful Poem By Lebanese Poet Kahlil Gibran”
Be seen.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. -Isaiah 41:10, NIV Be seen. These are the words I hear Holy Spirit whisper to my spirit for 2024. God is encouraging me to step … Continue reading “Be seen.”
Valuable Integrity
Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. -Proverbs 22:1, NLT When a spouse cheats, they destroy their reputation. They demonstrate a lack of integrity. People learning of this reality is not the problem. It is the bad actions that are! Many cheaters are upset about … Continue reading “Valuable Integrity”