Dear DM, This sucks.

Dear Divorce Minister, Five years later, and I’m still numb or in an fog or angry/depressed. I was pregnant with our third child when my husband met a woman on an online game. The gist of it is that she started out “fun and flirty” and then they proceeded to talk about more deep stuff. … Continue reading “Dear DM, This sucks.”

Mailbag: Is there forgiveness without divorcing again?

Dear Divorce Minister, So I remarried and my circumstances aren’t clear. If I think I’ve sinned in doing so, is there forgiveness without divorcing again? I’m curious your toughts [sic]. -Sean Dear Sean, Since I do not know the circumstances surrounding the question, I am going to have to make some assumptions and give you … Continue reading “Mailbag: Is there forgiveness without divorcing again?”

So NOT friends with ex!

How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? -2 Corinthians 6:14b, NLT Some Christians expect faithful spouses to remain “friends” with their cheating ex-partner following divorce. This is insane! The expectation is wound up in a twisted and perverted understanding of what forgiveness demands in this situation. Guess what? … Continue reading “So NOT friends with ex!”

Jesus doesn’t always sound so forgiving!

 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’” -Matthew 25:41, NIV Does this verse attributed to Jesus sound forgiving? Of course, not. My point is how so many people have a weak and distorted view of … Continue reading “Jesus doesn’t always sound so forgiving!”

Mailbag: Spiritual Abuse at Driscoll-esque Church

Hi, I’m trying to heal from spiritual abuse, and I came across your blog. I have a few questions about things I’m wondering about. If you have time to answer them, it would be helpful to me. Firstly, I’m so sorry for what you went through at Mars Hill, with your in-laws and ex-wife. The … Continue reading “Mailbag: Spiritual Abuse at Driscoll-esque Church”

Forgiveness does not alter historical facts.

It still feels strange for me to even speak about how my first marriage ended.   I feel internal pressure and accusation as if speaking the facts means I have not forgiven her or am bitter. That’s a lie, by the way. But it is a hard one to shake growing up amidst a Christian … Continue reading “Forgiveness does not alter historical facts.”

Relief of Acknowledgment

Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. -Romans 12:15, KJV When going through adultery discovery, the validation of true friends is a balm to a hurting soul. Religious people are tempted to foist “forgiveness” on the grieving faithful spouse. They skip over the acknowledgement of the severe injustices the faithful … Continue reading “Relief of Acknowledgment”

DM Book Sale!

For a limited time, I have dropped prices on my book. Currently, I have dropped the paperback prices from $12.99 to $8.99. The eBook is now only $3.99 from its regular price of $7.99. As you purchase books, read, and share the ideas in the book, you are helping spread these much needed ideas. The … Continue reading “DM Book Sale!”

Mailbag: Forgiveness Question

Hi, I have a question about forgiveness. Its clear in the scriptures that God doesn’t forgive unless a human repents, and repentance means to feel deep remorse AND stop the sin and go the other way. My X wife remains in her adulterous relationship. I believe that a human divorce does not make her relationship … Continue reading “Mailbag: Forgiveness Question”