Shaking off the dust as “forgiveness”

“But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.” -Mark 6:11, NLT At some point, we need to let go of the need for an apology and reparations for the wrongs we … Continue reading “Shaking off the dust as “forgiveness””

Do NOT enter their warped reality!

There is more hope for fools     than for people who think they are wise.  –Proverbs 26:12, NLT They traded the truth about God for a lie….   –Romans 1:25a, NLT Cheaters can come across as so confident in their lies. This confidence has the power to make even the most stalwart faithful spouse second-guess their instincts, hard evidence, … Continue reading “Do NOT enter their warped reality!”

DM, how might your book help a truly repentant cheater?

How might reading my book help a truly repentant cheater? If they have ears to hear as a truly repentant individual, my book would help them to understand the devastation created by their sin. It would help them see the world through their victim’s eyes. That said, the book is “strong medicine” for the unfaithful … Continue reading “DM, how might your book help a truly repentant cheater?”

Is a cheater forgiven if they refuse to admit wrongdoing?

Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God….” -Acts 2:37-38a, NLT Remember how Jesus asked God to forgive those crucifying him from the cross (see Luke 23:34)? These verses … Continue reading “Is a cheater forgiven if they refuse to admit wrongdoing?”

Shaking off their dust

“But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. … And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.” -Matthew 10:6-7, 14, … Continue reading “Shaking off their dust”

Dear DM, Misleading Meme?

Dear DM, Longtime reader here. Thank you for your good work. I recently saw a facebook post by someone that I think is misleading. It says what sinners many key bible figures were, and says God qualifies the called. I thought of you when I read it, and how you clarify God expects remorse and … Continue reading “Dear DM, Misleading Meme?”

Thoughts on HuffPo Article

An article appeared on Huffington Post on December 13th entitled: “A Therapist Explains: Can a Relationship Truly Heal After an Affair? Yes, but expect a different relationship on the other side” (Click on title to be directed to the article). It is a mailbag sort of article where someone writes in about healing from an affair … Continue reading “Thoughts on HuffPo Article”

It is a complicated grief.

Grief hurts. It surprises even years after the loss. You might think you have “dealt with that” only to discover feelings ambush you at some surprise moment. Our culture does not do grief well. Churches can be especially bad on this number. This is particularly true as it comes to the grief associated with a … Continue reading “It is a complicated grief.”

Pastor Associated By Faithful Spouses

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. -2 Timothy 4:2, NIV To be helped, we need to be open to receiving. Maybe the Christian community turned on you when you decided to divorce your cheater or your cheater decided to divorce you? Maybe your cheater … Continue reading “Pastor Associated By Faithful Spouses”