Dear DM, I read Piper’s book and thought I had to stay in my marriage.

Hi DM – Today was rough for me. A woman at my church asked how I was, and I answered where things are at…awful and that court is next month. Once she learned we were actually divorcing and not just staying separated she shared her stand that divorce is always sin, and how God hates … Continue reading “Dear DM, I read Piper’s book and thought I had to stay in my marriage.”

Lysa TerKeurst Deals With Husband’s Infidelity

“My husband, life partner and father of my children, Art TerKeurst, has been repeatedly unfaithful to me with a woman he met online, bringing an end to our marriage of almost 25 years….I don’t share this to harm or embarrass him, but to help explain why I have decided to separate from him and pursue … Continue reading “Lysa TerKeurst Deals With Husband’s Infidelity”

Shake Off Their Dust!

 And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. -Luke 9:5, KJV Jesus gave us a ministry of reconciliation (see 2 Corinthians 5:18), yet Jesus told His Disciples to move on if this ministry was rejected! Cheaters reject godly reconciliation … Continue reading “Shake Off Their Dust!”

Mailbag: DM, Please help me!

Dear Divorce Minister, Please help me! I feel destroyed by my husband and his parents. 3 months into our marriage I discovered he was a porn addict. At first he expressed regret, but as time went on and the porn continued, he started getting angry with me when I tried to confront him. We’ve been … Continue reading “Mailbag: DM, Please help me!”

3 Things You Need To Know About Adultery

-3 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ADULTERY- 1. ADULTERY IS SOUL RAPE! The Bible is clear about the principle about how a married couple is no longer two individuals in a spiritual sense but are actually one (see Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:6, I Corinthians 6:15-18, etc). Following from this oneness principle of marriage, any … Continue reading “3 Things You Need To Know About Adultery”

Dear DM…What I do not understand…

Dear DM, I appreciate the biblical explanations on your site. I have been married 24 years. I dealt with infidelity/adultery in the first 3 years of marriage and because we were Christians, and I loved my husband we reconciled. I thought we were worked through that many years ago and that was over. Fast foreword … Continue reading “Dear DM…What I do not understand…”

Cheater-Forgiveness-Pushers, Was Paul Wrong?

“In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.” -Acts 17:30-31, NIV God does … Continue reading “Cheater-Forgiveness-Pushers, Was Paul Wrong?”

Cheaters and “Cheap Grace”

…cheap grace — “the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance.” Cheap grace wrongly separates absolution of sin from acknowledgment of that sin. -Katelyn Beaty, “The Mistake Christians Made in Defending Bill O’Reilly Cheaters and “cheap grace” Beaty’s article takes aim at some prominent conservatives and evangelical leaders. In particular, her article exposes the hypocrisy of … Continue reading “Cheaters and “Cheap Grace””