“This is what the Lord says: Because of what you have done, I will cause your own household to rebel against you. I will give your wives to another man before your very eyes, and he will go to bed with them in public view.” … Then David confessed to Nathan, “I have sinned against … Continue reading “That Which Shall Never Be Mentioned Again–AKA The Affair”
Category: Forgiveness
When we are talking months, years, or even decades of cheating…
Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. -Hebrews 10:26, NLT The longer someone has led a double-life of cheating, the less likely they will be able to repent and change. What sacrifice remains to cover that … Continue reading “When we are talking months, years, or even decades of cheating…”
Refuse To Get Sucked Into Their Warped Reality
There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise. –Proverbs 26:12, NLT They traded the truth about God for a lie…. –Romans 1:25a, NLT Cheaters can come across as so confident in their lies. This confidence has the power to make even the most stalwart faithful spouse second-guess their instincts, hard evidence, … Continue reading “Refuse To Get Sucked Into Their Warped Reality”
What If I Want Her To Burn In Hell?
God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day. – Psalm 7:11, NLT What if I want him/her to burn in Hell… for what he/she did to me (and the kids)? Anger is an appropriate response to evil perpetrated against one. And I think God is understanding of this strong emotional … Continue reading “What If I Want Her To Burn In Hell?”
Are Evangelicals Really Going To Support A Brazen Cheater For President?!
Politics are something that have become less and less important to me. However, sometimes certain things rise to the top and just bug me! Usually, they are stories of the powerful lying or running rough-shod over the vulnerable. Today’s post deals directly with the issues this blog tackles–namely evangelicals and infidelity. I write this post today to … Continue reading “Are Evangelicals Really Going To Support A Brazen Cheater For President?!”
Revisited: Their Dust, Shake It Off!
And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. -Luke 9:5, KJV Jesus gave us a ministry of reconciliation (see 2 Corinthians 5:18), yet Jesus told His Disciples to move on if this ministry was rejected. Cheaters reject godly reconciliation … Continue reading “Revisited: Their Dust, Shake It Off!”
Their Dust, Shake It Off!
“But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. … And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.” -Matthew 10:6-7, 14, … Continue reading “Their Dust, Shake It Off!”
Even Our Most-Forgiving God Required Repentance
“If you want to come back, O Israel, you must really come back to me. You must get rid of your stinking sin paraphernalia and not wander away from me anymore.” -Jeremiah 4:1 (from 1-2 block), THE MESSAGE This verse comes on the heals of the chapter where God declares His divorce of Israel over … Continue reading “Even Our Most-Forgiving God Required Repentance”
Mailbag: Can Christians Still Go To Hell If They Sin After Asking For Forgiveness?
M wrote: I came here looking for answers to an issue I have had with a cheating ex and why God continues to bless him with the girl he cheated on me with, as well as he has cheated on her, too and she knows nothing about any of it. I came here for advice … Continue reading “Mailbag: Can Christians Still Go To Hell If They Sin After Asking For Forgiveness?”
Primary Issue Is The Adulterous Spouse
The mouth of an adulterous woman is a deep pit; a man who is under the Lord’s wrath falls into it. -Proverbs 22:14, NIV While the Other Man (OM) does not escape censure in this verse, I find it fascinating to see the ancient wisdom of the Bible pointing to the adulterous woman as the … Continue reading “Primary Issue Is The Adulterous Spouse”