This song by Josh Turner came on the radio the other day. Like songs and scents are liable to do, it transported me to another time. It reminded me of my first honeymoon. You see, we drove to our honeymoon location while this and other songs from this new-at-the-time album from Josh Turner played. It … Continue reading “On Songs and Scents”
Category: Grief
Catchy Tune About Recovering…”It Don’t Hurt Like It Used To”
While I do not condone or recommend using alcohol to deal with heart-break, I appreciate some of the lessons this catchy tune from Billy Currington highlights about recovering. Two points I particularly appreciate: The singer refuses to lie about the pain. The pain and grief is worse if we refused to acknowledge the obvious: It hurts … Continue reading “Catchy Tune About Recovering…”It Don’t Hurt Like It Used To””
Yes, it CAN be that bad!
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. -John 3:19, NKJV Shock. That is a normal response to traumatic revelations. And the revelation that one’s spouse cheated and lied to cover it up certainly qualifies as a traumatic … Continue reading “Yes, it CAN be that bad!”
Don’t dig up the “bones.”
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” -Isaiah 43:18-19a, NIV Sometimes ruminating on the past just inflicts more suffering. Not doing this is easier said than done, of course. And we do need space to tell our stories plus acknowledge what happened actually happened. That is … Continue reading “Don’t dig up the “bones.””
“When all around my soul gives way….”
3. His oath, his covenant, his blood supports me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay. Refrain: On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand. “My Hope is Built” text by Edward … Continue reading ““When all around my soul gives way….””
Faithful Spouses, God Cries With You!
“God Weeps Too” by Eli–an obscure Christian artist from the 90s–is one of my favorite songs. While he does not name situations of infidelity survival, I love how he names God as one who weeps alongside the broken-hearted. May this song minister to your spirit as it has mine over the years. The LORD is close … Continue reading “Faithful Spouses, God Cries With You!”
Fellowship With Darkness?!
For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? -2 Corinthians 6:14b, NIV Wicked or evil people may sometimes appear–or even be–good in some settings. This truth is well-illustrated in a recent interview with the 105-year-old secretary of Nazi Germany’s propagandist, Joseph Goebbels (see here). Adultery is … Continue reading “Fellowship With Darkness?!”
Another Anniversary–God Vindicates!
Ten years. Today, I would have been married ten years. But different plans were in the works…. God has taken the shipwreck of my first marriage and built a new, better life out of the reclaimed wood. I am so thankful for the new life He has given me. God has truly been my Vindication. The … Continue reading “Another Anniversary–God Vindicates!”
Cheater-speak: “Let’s not talk about that. It is in the past.”
“It is in the past.” – Cheater But is “it” really in the past? The effects and consequences of the cheating are very much in the present. -A late night “at the office.” -Another “business” trip. -That song on the radio. -A strange charge on the credit card. -An unknown phone number calling your spouse’s cell. … Continue reading “Cheater-speak: “Let’s not talk about that. It is in the past.””
Mailbag: This weekend I had a conversation with a Christian “friend”…
Michael wrote: This weekend I had a conversation with a Christian friend that really bothered me. It’s days later and I’m still bothered, hurt by his comments. Long story short, we got onto the topic of my divorce. Normally, I avoid this topic with this specific person. He is the one who told me about … Continue reading “Mailbag: This weekend I had a conversation with a Christian “friend”…”