No matter how much you care…

…you don’t get to choose repentance for them. “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15a,c, NIV I remember sitting in a sermon series with a pastor–i.e. Pastor Dom of … Continue reading “No matter how much you care…”

Update: Good News Regarding Karen Hinkley, Matt Chandler, and The Village Church

[TVC Lead Pastors Matt Chandler and Josh Patterson] told me that they felt awful about how I had been treated. They said I had biblical grounds for annulment or divorce, that I should have been granted my withdrawal from membership immediately, and that I never should have been put under discipline. They wanted to hear … Continue reading “Update: Good News Regarding Karen Hinkley, Matt Chandler, and The Village Church”

More Bad Advice

“Just let her know you are there waiting. Hold the space for the marriage.” – Pastor God did not wait forever for Israel. We see that in Jeremiah 3:8. God accepted Israel’s decisions to choose against the covenant by pursuing adulterous relationships. This is part of the reason I find the advice above unhelpful. It … Continue reading “More Bad Advice”

Necessary But NOT Sufficient

The pastoral impulse to “save” marriages is strong. It is flattering and exhilirating to be a part of a resurrection story where a marriage comes back from its adulterous death. I get it. Who really wants to be the divorce attorney’s pastoral equivalent encouraging only marriage funerals? I don’t. I love miracle stories and would love to be … Continue reading “Necessary But NOT Sufficient”

Why I Care About TVC’s and Matt Chandler’s Unclear Apology

Why A Clear TVC Apology Matters To DM A version of this post appeared on MPT’s blog as a followup comment (click here) I do not claim to be able to judge the sincerity of Matt Chandler and TVC leadership as I cannot see into the hearts of these men. Only God knows the true … Continue reading “Why I Care About TVC’s and Matt Chandler’s Unclear Apology”

Update Re: Matt Chandler’s Sermon and TVC Apology

***UPDATE ON THE VILLAGE CHURCH & KAREN SITUATION*** Matt Chandler gave a sermon addressing general church discipline matters and asked for forgiveness regarding anonymous situations at The Village Church (video of sermon here). It comes across as a sincere apology. I appreciate Chandler acknowledging counsel turned to control at times and naming that as leadership … Continue reading “Update Re: Matt Chandler’s Sermon and TVC Apology”

When Dealing With Adultery, You Are Dealing With Evil.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. – I Corinthians 13:11, KJV It is past time the pastors and church leaders wake up and grow up. We live in a world … Continue reading “When Dealing With Adultery, You Are Dealing With Evil.”

Christian Janeway’s Story Exposes How Adultery Hurts Even Adult Kids

Plenty of people have told me that my father has “repented.” However, none of them heard the tender, soft, heart-felt denial of his affair that night in our family garage. None of them heard how much affection he can put into a lie. None of them had heard him swear on the Bible that he … Continue reading “Christian Janeway’s Story Exposes How Adultery Hurts Even Adult Kids”

Encouraging People to Divorce Too Lightly?

If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel. – Deuteronomy 22:22, KJV “You’re encouraging people to divorce too lightly!” This or some similar version … Continue reading “Encouraging People to Divorce Too Lightly?”