What’s To Gain?

You cover the Lord‘s altar with tears, with weeping and groaning because he no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand. – Malachi 2:13b, ESV Some Christians may be naive enough to believe an adulterer or adulteress coming to a pastor’s (or Christian counselor’s) office means he or she is truly … Continue reading “What’s To Gain?”

Helping A Shattered Spouse

A Christian brother comes over one night. He crumples onto your couch tears overflowing. Through his heaving sobs, you learn his wife has left him and is having sex with another man. The hollow and desperate look in his eyes tears at your heart. What can you do? I will start with the negative first. These dangerous responses … Continue reading “Helping A Shattered Spouse”

Mailbag: If you have wronged someone you should seek to make amends to that person?

Another comment I am answering for today’s post: DM, Thank you for your encouragement. It has given me strength along with other Christ centered people around me to see my X Husband for who he really is. So 14 months post d’Day and my Ex stated to me today that he has moved on (with … Continue reading “Mailbag: If you have wronged someone you should seek to make amends to that person?”

Pre-Pigsty Prodigal or Post-Pigsty Prodigal…Continued

More Lessons from “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” My post yesterday drew lessons from “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” found in Luke 15:11-32 regarding discerning whether or not one’s adulterous spouse is exhibiting the behavior exhibited by the prodigal son post-pigsty (click here to view post). This post is a continuation of that … Continue reading “Pre-Pigsty Prodigal or Post-Pigsty Prodigal…Continued”

Pre-Pigsty Prodigal OR Post-Pigsty Prodigal?

Lessons from “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” In Luke 15:11-32, we have the famous parable about the prodigal son. It is a story with two sons and a father who welcomes the younger son back after he wasted his inheritance on “wild living” (Luke 15:13b, NIV). This story lives in our pop culture when … Continue reading “Pre-Pigsty Prodigal OR Post-Pigsty Prodigal?”

Top Evangelical Misconceptions About Adultery And Divorce

What Are Top Evangelical Misconceptions About Adultery And Divorce? When I shared my blog with a Catholic professional peer of mine, this was his question for me. He named the biggest one as he saw it for Catholic laity. He explained many think divorce is what cuts people off from good-standing in the Catholic Church. … Continue reading “Top Evangelical Misconceptions About Adultery And Divorce”

Is Adultery the Unpardonable Sin?

“If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.” -Jesus to the Disciples, John 20:23, ESV Is Adultery the Unpardonable Sin? Short answer: No. Adultery is pardonable. But an awful sin has happened that needs pardoning.* What does obtaining a pardon mean? Pardon in … Continue reading “Is Adultery the Unpardonable Sin?”

Please, Faithful Spouses, Find A Christian Advisor With A Backbone!

These last few days I have heard/read stories about Christian counselors who have failed to directly addressed adultery. They have avoided the awkward conversation insisting upon full disclosure or full commitment to rebuilding the marriage from the adulterous spouse. And these individuals have cited various reasons for this. This angers me! I know how it … Continue reading “Please, Faithful Spouses, Find A Christian Advisor With A Backbone!”

So What If They Do Not Come Back?

Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. -Mt 19:21-22, ESV Jesus was not afraid to give people … Continue reading “So What If They Do Not Come Back?”