Top Three Texts Used To Abuse Faithful Spouses

Having started Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously just last summer, I have had the opportunity to read and hear a variety of faithful spouses’ horror stories with the church. Literally thousands of individuals visit this website monthly from over 110 unique countries around the globe. Themes are starting to emerge. The following are the top 3 most … Continue reading “Top Three Texts Used To Abuse Faithful Spouses”

What if the church treated widows like faithful divorced spouses?

Can you imagine church leaders (or simply other Christians) treating a widow/widower in the same way they treat a faithful spouse who is now divorced from the adulterous one? And before anyone cries “Foul!” on this analogy suggesting that its too strained, I will point out this is the state Old Testament spouses would find … Continue reading “What if the church treated widows like faithful divorced spouses?”

What’s To Gain?

You cover the Lord‘s altar with tears, with weeping and groaning because he no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand. – Malachi 2:13b, ESV Some Christians may be naive enough to believe an adulterer or adulteress coming to a pastor’s (or Christian counselor’s) office means he or she is truly … Continue reading “What’s To Gain?”

God Wants Passionate Pastors

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Phinehas (son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron the priest) has turned away my anger for he was angry with my anger, and would not tolerate the worship of any God but me. So I have stopped destroying all Israel as I had intended.” -Numbers 25:10-11, TLB Anger is … Continue reading “God Wants Passionate Pastors”

Don’t Build A “Smiting Shelter”

Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. – Jonah 4:5, NIV And so, Jonah built himself a shelter to watch God, hopefully, smite the Ninevites. He made a … Continue reading “Don’t Build A “Smiting Shelter””

Evangelical Divorce Blame-Game

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord… Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…. -Ephesians 5:22,25, NIV I’m going to be transparent here: This passage from Ephesians 5 bothers me. It does not bother me that it is in the Bible. I thank God … Continue reading “Evangelical Divorce Blame-Game”

Helping A Shattered Spouse

A Christian brother comes over one night. He crumples onto your couch tears overflowing. Through his heaving sobs, you learn his wife has left him and is having sex with another man. The hollow and desperate look in his eyes tears at your heart. What can you do? I will start with the negative first. These dangerous responses … Continue reading “Helping A Shattered Spouse”

Mailbag: I am cheating with a married man who is my pastor. [UPDATED]

SB wrote in a comment, I am cheating with a married man who is my pastor.  I am a wrenched woman, I know I am wrong and am in sin.  After reading several of your blogs, I need your help to end the affair the Godly way.  I am not afraid of the consequences because … Continue reading “Mailbag: I am cheating with a married man who is my pastor. [UPDATED]”

The Happiness Narrative

I ran across an article on published yesterday by an admitted adulteress. At least, she admits to cheating on her-then-husband. Here’s the link to the article: My Husband Learned The Hard Way Why Women Cheat | YourTango. Marina Pearson, the author, actually has some good points in what she writes. I agree with her statement about her … Continue reading “The Happiness Narrative”