Dear Divorce Minister…Please help me to create some clarity in this mess.

Dear Divorce Minister,   I moved to Africa 8 years ago to join my African husband (married 6 yrs, no children). There was no way he would have moved in my direction as he was passionate about his job in Africa. I accepted that and gave up my job, house & country with friends and … Continue reading “Dear Divorce Minister…Please help me to create some clarity in this mess.”

Anti-Divorce Focus Is Lazy Pastoring

Let’s be honest here: It is easier to identify people who are divorced than people who are committing adultery. Adulterous spouses are notorious for hiding their cheating ways with various levels of success. However, with a divorce, a public stance is made. The marriage relationship is officially over in the eyes of the state. And … Continue reading “Anti-Divorce Focus Is Lazy Pastoring”

Adultery Is NOT A Symptom But A Sin

Adultery is not a symptom but the disease. It is sin. Adultery is not a cry for help. Adultery is not a symptom of a bad relationship. Adultery is not a mercy blow to a miserable marriage (as if the adulterer is “taking one for the team.”) No, no, no, NO! Adultery is sin. Period. … Continue reading “Adultery Is NOT A Symptom But A Sin”