Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away [i.e. divorce her] privily. -Matthew 1:19, KJV If you grew up in a church where divorce was taught as always wrong, you may find it hard to NOT internalize divorce shame and stigma. … Continue reading “Reject Divorce Shame!”
Category: Theology of divorce
If they in-laws are saying…
Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. -Hebrews 13:4, NLT If your in-laws are saying cheating behavior is normal, then that tells you a lot! Your Cheater was raised in this environment. It is what your Cheater … Continue reading “If they in-laws are saying…”
Oddly, MORE Qualified!
8 I gave Israel their letter of divorce. I sent them away because they were unfaithful to me so many times. -Jeremiah 3:8a, NIRV Oddly, MORE Qualified Than Less! I just want to point out how pastors who have experienced divorce from an unfaithful spouse may be MORE qualified rather than LESS. Besides the pastoral care … Continue reading “Oddly, MORE Qualified!”
Blind to divorce prejudice
If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel. -Deuteronomy 22:22, NIV “Adultery or fornication committed after a contract, being detected before marriage, gives just occasion to the innocent party to dissolve that contract. In the … Continue reading “Blind to divorce prejudice”
Do not enter! …their warped reality.
There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise. –Proverbs 26:12, NLT They traded the truth about God for a lie…. –Romans 1:25a, NLT Cheaters can come across as so confident in their lies. This confidence has the power to make even the most stalwart faithful spouse second-guess their instincts, hard evidence, … Continue reading “Do not enter! …their warped reality.”
Season for divorce? Yes.
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. -Ecclesiastes 3:1, NLT Sometimes choosing divorce is the best of bad options left for a faithful spouse. This is why I cite this wisdom verse. It is allegedly written by the wisest of all humans–bar Jesus–King Solomon. Everything means everything. That includes … Continue reading “Season for divorce? Yes.”
Sanctimonious Bovine Scat!
“I feel like I have to keep divorce as an option or I am making my marriage an idol,” says duplicitous Cheater. “God wants me to be happy,” says self-deceived Cheater. Sanctimonious Bovine Scat! The invoking of religion in an attempt to “justify” their cheating is especially awful, in my opinion. It messes with one’s … Continue reading “Sanctimonious Bovine Scat!”
Merciful gift of divorce
I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her away because of all her adulteries. -Jeremiah 3:8, NIV I am grateful for the merciful gift of divorce. The mercy is for the faithful spouse (see Mt 19:9). They are set free from the destructive path the cheater is hell-bent to follow to their ultimate spiritual … Continue reading “Merciful gift of divorce”
He is right…
He is right that you do not control him… …BUT you do control whether you stay in relationship with him! This is one of life’s hardest lessons to learn: I only control me. It is especially hard to accept when we wish a loved one would behave differently. Cheaters are big on telling us that … Continue reading “He is right…”
Holding it over their head forever?!
“I’m concerned that you will hold this [affair] over my head forever if I stay,” Cheater declares. A cheater who makes such a statement is still more concerned about themselves than the trauma they inflicted on their spouse by cheating. The statement really is revealing. Such a cheater still believes it is about their wishes … Continue reading “Holding it over their head forever?!”