I don’t get it.
You know. The couples that pose for a happy picture following their divorce with the decree in their hands.
It is weird.
What is even weirder is how society celebrates these (former) couples’ display of celebration.
Divorce from a cheater is a mercy. It is a way to escape the abuse that I believe is always present if married to a cheater (minimally, they abused trust and risked your well-being on multiple levels).
That is why these pictures are so odd to me.
Do we see wife beaters and their victims taking a celebratory picture together after the divorce decree is made?
Probably not.
What about divorces where cheating and abuse aren’t present? Well, I still do not think divorce in those situations are celebratory affairs.
Those divorces raise the question of why even get divorce if you can get along? I don’t know. It seems odd like cutting off a leg that could be saved then celebrating the amputation.
Plus, those divorces raise the question as to whether God would recognize them as legitimate, in my opinion. Where is it written that we can get divorced because we no longer are in love?!
The issues in Christian marriages need to be serious in order to use a serious “solution” like divorce. And such serious issues are unlikely to leave both parties happy enough to take celebratory picture(s) with each other afterwards, in my opinion.
That said, I am grateful to be divorced from my cheater.
However, I do not celebrate it. The amputation was necessary but not something to celebrate. It was painful.
Well, that’s just my two cents on the matter…
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