Cheater-Speak: “I can’t pretend anymore.”

“I can’t pretend anymore,” says Cheater.

The irony of this statement is almost funny if it was not so tragic and painful. A cheater saying such a thing is just spouting a lie.

They do not have a problem with pretending:

Cheating requires pretending one is not married, after all.

The whole point of a cheater denouncing pretending is to manage their narrative. They want to look like the noble person in the marriage’s demise. The truth is that they are the most inauthentic person in the relationship.

The double life of a cheater requires pretending. Deception is what cheaters do.

A cheater truly committed to ending pretending would begin by ending the cheating and exposing all their nasty secrets. Sadly, this rarely–if ever–happens.

Cheaters are fine pretending as long as it serves them… in fact, they are pretending on being authentic people when they denounce such pretending. Ironic, huh?!

One thought on “Cheater-Speak: “I can’t pretend anymore.””

  1. Basically they “tire” of pretending when they get exposed, or know it is coming.

    Lying liars who lie, nothing noble or confusing about it.

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