Cheater-Speak: “I love you, but I am not IN LOVE WITH you.”

“I love you, but I am not IN LOVE WITH you,” says lame Cheater.


“I never loved you,” says cruel Cheater.

Notice how these statements are all about the Cheater’s feelings. That is what is important to them.

To be fair, they may have never loved you as they were not capable of loving someone besides themselves. Unwittingly, they may have spoken the truth.

However, I tend to think Cheaters say this to alleviate the prick of what is left of their conscience.

They are engaging in revisionist history. This is to make them feel like less of the jerk that they are for cheating.

Regardless, these are cruel and selfish statements. That is who the Cheater is now (or perhaps, has always been).

They could care less about others. Their obligation to keep their marriage vows before God is not even crossing their minds. What is important is their feelings. They insist their feeling of “love” is what is most important.

So, they say this awful stuff to their covenant partner revealing their wicked, selfish heart.