“Why did you take off your wedding ring?” asks Faithful Spouse.
“I needed a break from reminders of our marriage,” says Cheater.
Cheaters freely entered into the marriage–and marriage means a lifelong commitment. You do not get breaks from needing to honor this commitment.
This sort of response from a Cheater seeking “a break” is what you would expect from an immature adolescent. They are treating the marriage like a dating relationship.
The relationship has become hard or has lost their interest; so, they want to press pause and consider other options.
That is NOT how godly marriage works. You do not get to press “PAUSE” in your marriage relationship. It is supposed to be “….to death do us part.”
A spouse seeking “a break” from their marriage is a cheater. It is that simple.
The space is a vacuum. Someone is going to fill it, if it isn’t already filled.
This is especially true if the person is removing signs of the marriage–like a wedding ring or Facebook married status. That is like hanging up a shingle saying, “I’M AVAILABLE!”
Cheater: “I need a break from our marriage.”
Translation: “I want to live the lie that I am single and available romantically.”