Cheater-Speak: “I never intended to hurt you.”

“I never intended to hurt you,” says Cheater.

“Whatever. That does not excuse you for horribly sinning against me,” replies Faithful Spouse.

Cheaters professing golden intentions are trying to minimize what they did.

It is a move to sanitize their image. They do not want to think or others to think that they are that bad. Even though they know what they did was deeply hurtful, they want off the hook from being the type of person that does such things.

So, they profess good intentions. They never “intended” to harm you.

Their intentions are irrelevant, though. It is their sinful actions and their impact that matters. We judge actions, not intentions.

Cheaters are the type of person that does such an awful thing because they DID such a thing–intentions be damned!